Christian C. Moesch

Certified Fiduciary
Licensed Audit Expert
Member of the Board

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New regulation of residential property taxation

It is well known that our politicians have been working for decades on a new solution for the taxation of residential property, specifically the abolition of the deemed rental income (Eigenmietwert). Most recently, there was hope that this old project could now actually succeed.


Further progress in the digitization of our services

There is no way around further digitization processes when it comes to the future of the fiduciary sector. At Experfina, we rely on the practical solutions by Accounto. Christian Moesch explains how this makes accounting easier for both our clients and the advisory team.

In the fiduciary sector, too, digitization is an essential prerequisite for a successful future. Simplified processes, sustainable structures as well as flexibility in scheduling are new standards that are increasingly expected by both clients and employees. By using Accounto, our clients can record receipts, invoices or other documents electronically on a continuous basis. This means they no longer have to collect them as hard copies and hand them in physically every quarter or year, as was previously the case. Also, the receipts are processed electronically, which considerably simplifies the work on both sides and spreads the workload across the whole year instead of concentrating it on occasional peaks.

In doing so, Experfina is taking a further step towards digital accounting, following the introduction of the digital document management system and the online client portal. With the use of respective information technology, there is progress in the automation of certain processes. Subsequently, we expect to be able to reduce our administrative workload and expand our capacity for advisory services. This will allow more time for the individual concerns of our clients. It goes without saying that it is up to every client to decide whether they want to switch to the new digital procedure or not – we will continue to offer our traditional fiduciary services as before.

One particular advantage of our cooperation with Accounto is the promising potential for the development of the software. For example, the possibility of integrating online shop solutions or an open interface for processing third-party products would be desirable.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of our digitized services, we are, as always, happy to provide you with a personal advisory service.